About Ray

I have had an interest in historic costume since I discovered the local museum at the age of 10. It had a small display of beautiful Victorian costumes and I can still see those images today.
I went on to study embroidered textiles at Goldsmiths College, University of London and costume interpretation at Croydon Art College.
After leaving college I worked in Theatre and Television before going on to teach textiles.
My passion for costume has grown over the years and when I discovered cloth dolls I saw them as a perfect vehicle for embroidered textiles.
I love to explore different textile techniques in conjunction with colour, texture and form. My inspiration comes from many different sources, sometimes from painters like Modigliani, Klimt, or Fra Angelico, sometimes from natural forms and from the work of Karl Blossfeldt and Ernst Haeckel. I also develop ideas from the doodles I do when I get bored in a meeting!
Whatever the inspiration, a doll is created by using a combination of colour and cloth, exciting textile techniques and form. I am never short of ideas, only time.
I have been curator of several cloth doll exhibitions for The Knitting and Stitching Show and teach courses and exhibit both in the UK and abroad.